Dave GurmanWomen

Little Marta Dynamite R.I.P.

Regular readers may recognise the picture above, as we featured it in issue 112 of TRD alongside Marta’s responses to our Rider’s Lives questions

I first spoke to Marta at the Ace Cafe on the Friday evening of the Rockers Reunion weekend last year. It was entirely fitting that we should have met on that occasion, because Marta was totally immersed in the rocker lifestyle, and the annual event at the Ace draws motorcyclists from across the continent and beyond. I had no trouble persuading her to pose for photographs, but pinning her down long enough to provide the answers proved more difficult; because every time a new wave of continental visitors arrived, it seemed Marta was their first port of call for hugs, kisses and excitable greetings.

It was exactly the same this year. I bumped into Marta early on Friday evening, and she asked me if I’d take some sexy pictures for her “German fan club”, so I clicked away while she draped herself across her beloved AJS. Later that evening, after a costume change, I obliged her with more snaps as she vamped it up on a visitor’s cafe racer; and left her with my card saying that if she got in contact I’d be happy to send her copies of the pictures.

Eleven days later I received the following:

“Hi Dave,

On Sunday 9th September our friend Marta from Barcelona was killed in an accident whilst on the way down the A23 to Brighton for the annual Ace Brighton Burn-up. Marta, aged 31, was a well-known figure on the rock ‘n’ roll and classic bike scene, and attended a great many widespread music, motorcycle and Teddy boy / Rocker events (I believe she even had a fan club in Germany). Anyway, she was a vibrant little ray of sunshine and we all enjoyed her company so much. I know you photographed her at the Ace on the Friday before she was killed, could you please print us a nice pic of her (pref. being herself, i.e. cute and not-too-serious) so everyone can see why she will be missed by all of us for a long, long time to come.

Ride safe, guys



Marta had lived in the UK for some years and she was a much-loved Ace regular. A tribute night has been arranged at the cafe on Friday November 16th 2007 with all door proceeds going to Marta’s daughter in Barcelona. Anyone planning to attend is strongly advised to book in advance, either in person at the Ace, or by phoning 0208 961 1000 (preferably between 9am – 5pm)

It only remains for me to add my own heartfelt regrets, and to reproduce Marta’s answer to the final Riders’ Lives question How would you like to be remembered?

“As Little Marta Dynamite, the rockin’ lady who rides classic British Bikes”

Descanse En Paz Marta

Dave Gurman

You can see Marta’s Riders’ Lives responses here.

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