Riders’ Lives ~ Ginger Damon

1. What was your first motorcycling experience?
My most REAL experience was; working on a film I saw a motorcycle stunt performed by a woman! I thought “WOW! I wanna do THAT!!” So, the next day one of the stunt ladies brought in her motorcycle, a vintage BMW. She taught me how to ride in a big parking lot on the location site. It was fantastic! I fell in love! The group of stunt gals decided to teach me how to ride, so they scooped me up and took me dirt bike riding. They encouraged me to “ just go fall” they felt if you fall you wont be scared. So I tried REAL hard to fall. It didn’t happen.
2. What is your current bike?
The love of my life is a 2012 Triumph Bonneville T-100.
3. What bike would you most like to ride/own?
EVERY single one out there. I should own a bike to match every pair of boots I own.
4. Hairiest moment on a bike?
EGADS, thats a tough one. I am a daily rider in Los Angeles, California, so sometimes every moment is a hairy one. I am always so focused on “what is my escape?” I have had fast reaction times but didn’t have time to get freaked out! THANKFULLY.
5. What was your most memorable ride?
My first long distance ride was amazing and difficult. Imagine this: New Years Eve, left Los Angeles, to ride to Cambria (a town on the ocean in Central California ). We left late around night time rush hour. I wasn’t properly dressed for cold. We rode in 30 degree temperature* (*that’ll be Fahrenheit – Ed). I couldn’t feel my fingers or toes. My eyes were frozen. I couldn’t feel or see a thing. We made frequent stops to warm up. I wanted to ride, I didn’t want to stop at all. Midnight NYE and here I am riding along the ocean, the smells of clean earth, wet grass, a fire off in the distance, a full moon on the horizon and an ocean breeze. I would do it again for that amazing sensation.
6. What would be the ideal soundtrack to the above?
I don’t know. I think the quiet was the best, I was overloaded with all the smells and sensations of that ride.
7. What do you think is the best thing about motorcycling?
The wonderful people I have met. The experiences I get to have. The quiet in my helmet and the bond with my motorcycle (motor pony).
8. What do you think is the worst thing about motorcycling?
People who don’t ride but have an opinion about riding or riders. Completely clueless. In the US when you say you ride people immediately associate you with a Biker Gang like Sons of Anarchy. No, we are real people, educated, professionals.
9. Name an improvement you’d like to see for the next generation?
I would like to see more of an emphasis on our community. Motorcycles bring people together. I have a network of FRIENDS because of it. I would like for the next generation to see that LIFE really happens when you experience it and not on a screen.
10. How would you like to be remembered?
As the women who brought a feminine aesthetic to motorcycling. Added to the lifestyle. Enhanced it for both women and men and made a stronger community through Gigi Montrose Moto Couture. A woman who respected our community and loved it.